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    gardening paragraph | garden paragraph paragraph | gardening

    have a small garden on the roof of our house. It looks very beautiful. There are many trees in the garden. There are flowers in the garden all year round. Some of the important flowers are the rose, the gardenia, the marigold, the chameli, the jasmine, the rajanigandha, the Kamini and the tulip. Each flower has its own color and smell.

    how to make a garden paragraph | paragraph how to make a garden | How do you write a garden paragraph? | Why your hobby is gardening?

    Among all of them, the white gardenia is my favorite to me. After school hours I work in my garden in the afternoon. I make the soil loose with the spade and take out the weeds. I water the garden regularly and nurse the plants carefully. I have put a fence around my garden. When the garden is full of flowers my mind fills with joy and pleasure. I like my garden very much and feel happy when I am in my garden.

    What Can You say about gardening

    Gardening is my hobby, and I love to do gardening! I have a tiny backyard garden. I have about twenty flowers there. I love to watch my garden. Last year I planned to make a small garden and read many books about this. My cousin from Delhi helped me a lot in this task by providing me with all the necessary information I needed to learn before starting gardening.

    gardening paragraph for class 6

    My father bought me some plants, and I started my garden. Now I have succeeded in growing a few plants here. I hope that I will be able to expand the size of my garden. I always wanted a flower garden because flowers have a lovely scent. I have a design for my vegetable garden, but I haven’t yet planted them. I feel refreshed whenever I am in my garden. Anyone can make his garden too.

    gardening paragraph for class 9

    Gardens are places where you can cultivate your mind and body. You can get fresh air and see beautiful things around you. Gardening is also a great hobby because it helps you relax and rejuvenate yourself.

    my hobby gardening paragraph

    Gardens are important for our health.We should be grateful for having them in our homes. But we need to make sure that we use them wisely. My garden has many kinds of flowers and vegetables. I have a variety of flowers and vegetables that are easy to grow and healthy.My garden has grass all around the area. Consequently, this makes it the ideal place for any physical activity. In addition, it has a soft surface where children can play various sports. This ensures that children do not get injured even if they fall. Furthermore, my garden has a slide too, which is my favorite. Since I can spend hours sliding on it and never get tired, sometimes I spend my entire day doing nothing but enjoying myself. However, this is only possible when I have a holiday.g

    Gardening paragraph for class 7

    I love gardening because it allows me to be creative. Gardening also helps me relax and enjoy life more. I am very interested in plants. I love to learn about different types of plants and how they grow. I also like to see what new things my dad brings into the garden.My garden is full of flowers because I am thrilled. I love gardening, and I enjoy working hard every day. My father has appointed someone else to care for the gardens while I’m out. He also gives me a lot of money to spend on things I want.

    gardening paragraph for class 4

    The garden is considered to be the most beautiful part of the house where one can take a break from the daily monotonous life and relax. It helps in making and mending bonds with the family members when the whole family gathers to chit chat in the garden.The garden can be beneficial in many known and unknown ways. It plays a significant role in maintaining good health and a pleasant environment. As urbanization is increasing gradually, the Earth is losing all its greenness, so planting a few trees in the garden will also help Mother Nature to heal.

    gardening paragraph for class 8

    Gardening is one of the prime focuses of any house that soothes one and beautifies the whole home.Not only is a garden a treat to the eyes, but also a blessing to us as it provides us an opportunity to grow fresh vegetables and fruits. The garden also offers a place for playing outdoor sports, which encourages the sportive nature of the kids and also helps them in keeping fit and active throughout the day. The kids can have fun in the garden by building tents and playing over there.

    gardening paragraph for class 3

    The garden also offers a place for playing outdoor sports, which encourages the sportive nature of the kids and also helps them in keeping fit and active throughout the day. The kids can have fun in the garden by building tents and playing over there.

    a garden paragraph 200 words

    Garden also provides a serene environment to calm the mind and body. It feels good to work out amidst nature; it helps to rejuvenate and bring composure.A garden brings a man closer to nature where one can hear the birds sing their heart out and the squirrels running here and there.Building a pet house in the garden would be excellent if one has a pet dog or cat. It brings joy to the pets and makes them feel active. It also allows the pets to take a stroll in the garden freely and enjoy the breeze.If one is enthusiastic about having a varied collection of flowers, he or she should have a beautiful garden where he or she could plant various kinds of flowering plants that would increase the glory of the house.

    Tags: gardening paragraph,paragraph gardening,how to make a garden paragraph,paragraph how to make a garden,How do you write a garden paragraph?,Why your hobby is gardening?,What can you say about gardening?,What is a garden for Class 4?,gardening paragraph for class 6,gardening paragraph for class 9,my hobby gardening paragraph,gardening paragraph for class 7,gardening paragraph for class 4,gardening paragraph for class 8,gardening paragraph for class 3,a garden paragraph 200 words

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