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drug addiction paragraph

Drug addiction is bad. Doctors give us drugs when we are unwell. We don’t take drugs without a doctor’s advice. Parents give us medicines to fight germs. They give drugs in fever, cold and cough. Taking too much medicine is bad. Green vegetables keep us healthy. Eating apples keeps doctors away. We drink milk daily to fight germs. We wash our hands before we eat and sleep. We do not take drugs when healthy and strong. Wrong medicines make us unhealthy. Right drugs fight a fever. Eating junk food makes us unwell. Drinking clean water keeps us healthy. Healthy children need no medicines and drugs.

drug addiction paragraph for hsc

Addiction to drugs is dangerous. Consuming too much medicine regularly makes us addicts. Addiction of any kind is not good for health. It can harm our bodies and mind. Doctors advise medicines during an illness such as fever. Drugs shouldn’t be consumed without parent’s permission. It can be harmful to us.We can save ourselves from drug addiction. We must eat green vegetables and pulses. We must consume a glass of milk daily. Washing hands with soap before and after eating and playing helps fight germs. Parents and doctors have permission to give drugs to fight germs. Exercising and eating a healthy diet keeps us away from drug consumption.

paragraph drug addiction

When there is an urge to consume substances that are harmful, it is addiction. Drug addiction has a dangerous impact on the consumer. It destroys one’s mind and body. Such an addiction is a chronic illness. When addicted to consuming drugs, one loses one’s control and is unable to live without it. Addiction of any kind is harmful to be it alcohol, sweets or even smartphones. Drug addiction is also called a substance use disorder and has become a major problem all across the globe.

drug addiction paragraph for class 12

Drug addiction has become a major cause of concern all over the globe. It is a devastating state that has been running a riot for a decade and there is an urgent need to put an end to it. Drug addiction is synonymous with substance disorder abuse. Victims of such abuse are in pitiable conditions. It affects them mentally, physically and emotionally.In India, substance disorder abuse comprises narcotics, sedatives and stimulants. Opium and heroin are examples of the same. A drug addict loses his control over mind and engages in activities that are considered illegal for mankind- kidnappings, murder, robbery, burglary and the list is endless

drug addiction paragraph ssc

Drug addiction means a strong attraction to take any kind of harmful drug to get exciting feelings. Normally it is formed as a bad habit of using non-prescribed medicine. Opium, Heroin, Morphine, Yaba, Phensidyl, etc. are the main drugs taken in our country.There are many reasons for this. Firstly, frustration is responsible for drug addiction. Secondly, lack of family ties is also responsible for it. Thirdly, failure in love cause addiction. Besides, a bad companion also helps one to form this habit.

drug addiction paragraph pdf

There are many bad impacts of drug addiction. Drugs create some kind of dreamlike feelings and the drug taker forgets everything for some moments and lives in a world of hallucination. It causes a lot of harm not only to the addicts but also to the society and nation. Drugs tell upon the human body terribly. The addicts feel drowsy and their nervous system gradually becomes weak causing damage to their brain. Drugs lead the addict to decay and death. When the addict fails to arrange money to buy drugs, he commits various kinds of social crimes and becomes dependent on others.

drug addiction paragraph for class 9

Drug addiction is a serious problem that has become a cause of great concern to the people of the world today. Drug addiction is the addiction of taking drugs. It has also spread widely in our country and is dragging a section of the youth from the circle of normal life into the dark world. As a result, there has been an extreme disaster in society and state life. Not only in Bangladesh, the number of drug addicts is increasing in almost all countries of the world. Today there is a voice towards the world to protect the country and the nation from the scourge of drug addiction.

drug addiction paragraph essay

Drug addiction means excessive attraction to illegal hard substance or drug such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana etc. is called drug addiction. Drug addiction is curse of modern civilization. It is now a global problem. Frustration, family conflict, rejection of love are the causes of this addiction.When there is no hope left for the young people, they become addicted to drug. The drugs are very expensive. Young boys cannot afford to buy them. In order to arrange money, they have to commit many kinds of social crimes like hijacking, looting, plundering, killing etc.

drug addiction paragraph class 10

Drug addiction has a terrible effect on human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. The poisonous effect of drug is dangerous. It may damage the brain and all internal functions of the body. The treatment of the drug addicts is expensive and difficult.In Bangladesh the drug problem has become so acute. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. Recently, Bangladesh is often used by the international drug smugglers as transit of transmission of drug from one country to another.

drug addiction paragraph 500 words

Drug addiction means excessive attraction to illegal hard substance or drug such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana etc. is called drug addiction. Drug addiction is curse of modern civilization. It is now a global problem. Frustration, family conflict, rejection of love are the causes of this addiction.When there is no hope left for the young people, they become addicted to drug. The drugs are very expensive. Young boys cannot afford to buy them. In order to arrange money, they have to commit many kinds of social crimes like hijacking, looting, plundering, killing etc.Drug addiction has a terrible effect on human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. The poisonous effect of drug is dangerous. It may damage the brain and all internal functions of the body. The treatment of the drug addicts is expensive and difficult.In Bangladesh the drug problem has become so acute. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. Recently, Bangladesh is often used by the international drug smugglers as transit of transmission of drug from one country to another.

drug addiction paragraph 300 words

Drug addiction is referred to as repetitive use of a substance or over the counter medication which adversely affects a person’s well being. Drugs like Marijuana, cocaine, and nicotine cause severe health impacts. The person addicted to drugs finds it impossible to resist the craving and loses his/her mental stability and cool.Apart from psychological harm, drug addiction also degrades a person’s physiological health. Loss of appetite, loss of weight, depression, irritability, nervousness, concentration loss, etc are some of the common symptoms of drug addiction. Drug addiction has taken all sections of the society in its grasp including both the rich and the poor.

Tags: drug addiction paragraph,drug addiction paragraph for hsc,paragraph drug addiction,drug addiction paragraph for class 12,drug addiction paragraph ssc,drug addiction paragraph pdf,drug addiction paragraph for class 9,drug addiction paragraph essay,drug addiction paragraph class 10,drug addiction paragraph 500 words,drug addiction paragraph 300 words

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