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/* Multi Related Post */

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Below <data:post.body/>

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// Multi Related Post

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Post Seo Tips

1. Focus Keyword used at the beginning of SEO title.

2. Your title has a positive or a negative sentiment.

3. Your title contains 2 power word(s). Booyah!

4. You are using a number in your SEO title.

5. Focus Keyword found in the subheading

6. Focus Keyword found in image alt attribute

7. Keyword Density is 1.48, the Focus Keyword and combination appears 4 times.

8. URL is 81 characters long. Consider shortening it.

9. Great! You are linking to external resources.

10. At least one external link with DoFollow found in your content.

11. You are linking to other resources on your website which is great.

12. You haven’t used this Focus Keyword before.

13. Hurray! You’re using Focus Keyword in the SEO Title.

14. Focus Keyword used inside SEO Meta Description.

15. Focus Keyword used in the URL.

16. Focus Keyword appears in the first 10% of the content.

17. Focus Keyword found in the content.

18. Content is 271 words long. Consider using at least 600 words


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